I have been meaning to pop a pic of these blankets on for absolutely ages. My dear Nana made these lovely granny square blankets many, many years ago. I am 40 and I can remember them being around when I was very little. They have stood the test of time so well and I am really lucky to have them in my home now. Both of my small folk are unwell at the moment and as I type, they are both lying on the sofas, still in their
pjs, and they each have one of these beautiful blankets over them. My Nana died before she got to meet my children, and I'm sure she would be so pleased to know that her lovely crochet is loved by yet another generation. In a previous post I had mentioned an article I had read which used the term 'wrapped in love' when it came to handmade gifts which were made with love. I think this is so true, especially when I look at my little poppets now all
snuggly warm under their Great-Nana's blankets. It brings a tear to my eye. She was an amazing lady who was always making wonderful things. I have her to thank for my love of all things crafty.

So it was a fairly quiet weekend for all of us. Yesterday was wet and miserable so while the children watched The Princess Bride (such a lovely movie), I had a go at making a fabric rose. A friend had given me some gorgeous dark red velvet and as soon as I saw it, it reminded me of the rich red rose we have in our garden. So a velvet rose was what I made. I had an idea in my mind of what I wanted, so I grabbed my needle and had a go. I think it turned out well for a first attempt. I will make a few more now that I've worked out what to do. They will make lovely wee pressies.

It looks sweet on my new purple
cardi. I'm going through a bit of a purple/red stage at the moment. The colour combo lifts my spirits. Just what is needed today when I'm a bit jaded!

A few other things managed to get achieved this week... I have made another scarf for a girlfriend and it looks fab. It's the same pattern I seem to make over and over as it gets lots of compliments, which often results in requests to make more for friends. I also bought some more wool (not that I really needed any!), but I thought it might get me more motivated to keep going with the hexagons - which it did! A gorgeous dark pink and a lovely purple. I whipped up several more hexagons over the week. So while we are housebound today, I will start to join them to see what they all look like. There are still millions to go before it is the right size though!

One good thing about being at home means more time to bake too! Good old chocolate chip cookies and mini gingerbread loaves.
Delish! Time to have a nice big cup of tea.
Have a fabulous week!