Wow this week has gone too quickly! I can't believe it's April already. The little granny squares are piling up and I should hopefully have enough made in the next few days to be able to start joining them into a scarf. I have lots of little scribbles in my notebook trying to work out how I want to join these ones. I want something different! I'm thinking maybe some sort of
criss-cross stitch up the middle seam?
Mmm, not sure. Do you like my old 'knitting' bag? I found this on Trade Me for an absolute bargain price and it is
sooooo perfect for taking my crochet with me when I am out. I adore these vintage bags so much, I was a bit naughty and bought a blue one too. One for crochet, one for knitting. The knitting bag doesn't get used nearly as much as the crochet bag but in saying that, I have just knitted another tea cosy. It's not quite finished yet, but should be done very soon so pictures to follow. I still have too many projects on the go but I think I'd rather have it that way, than have no projects at all!

Yesterday was a bit of a kitchen-y day. Lots of baking for the weekend, some homemade bread rising slowly on the bench ready to eat with dinner and some very eager tummies. Before I had a chance to grab a quick pic of this sponge cake, a pretty decent sized slice disappeared! I should be flattered that they couldn't wait. I was also having a go at making fondant decorations. I've never ever used fondant before, but it is my dear Dad's 70th birthday party next weekend and I am making his birthday cake. I am so anxious about it, I am actually waking during the night thinking about how to stabilise the decorations for the journey to the party!! Fingers crossed it will all go smoothly. I will have pictures in next week's post.
Mmmm, delicious milk and white chocolate cookies - a family fave from the Edmonds Cookbook - a kiwi classic. I make these so often that I don't need to look at the recipe anymore!

And speaking of chocolate ... my children made me laugh this week when I showed them my new bracelet. They thought it was made of white chocolate! Too cute.

While browsing around one of my local op shops recently I stumbled across this dress that turned out to be hand crocheted. I don't think it's necessarily something I would wear (even though it fits like a glove) but I was drawn to it for the workmanship in its creation. The washing instructions on it are hilarious, I
should have taken a pic of the label. It is almost bossy in its tone on how careful you have to be in looking after it. I can imagine the words coming directly from the mouth of the poor person/people who made the dress! I'm sure I'd be bossy too after all those hours whipping up roses and leaves! The weight of it is incredible, the thread is really heavy. I just couldn't leave it in the shop.

It's the last day of Daylight Saving here in New Zealand. I always get a little grumpy when our clocks go back an hour and the evenings are darker too soon. Especially after the gorgeous summery day we have had today. The four of us went for a walk along the waterfront just down the road from our house. We took bikes, scooters and lots of bread for the ducks. It was fabulous. I have been wanting to stop and get some pics of these lovely
boatsheds which I drive by nearly every day - and today was a perfect opportunity to do it. They are quirky, colourful and very individual and I love them. I keep thinking how lovely it would be to own one and be able to sit in the sunshine, right on top of the water and crochet the afternoon away .....

Have a fabulous week!