Sunday, October 23, 2011

Here she is!

I know you might not think it's changed much since the last post, but for me it has. All those pesky ends are now gone and I have been able to stand back and admire it now. The sun came out here which meant I could get some decent pics in decent light. So here it is! My big old granny and I love her! Super snuggly and just the right size for two small folk to laze under when watching a bit of tv.

My favourite part is definitely the border. It was a bit fiddly and took a looooong time to get those ends sorted but I think it was worth it.

Ah, giant granny love. I think I feel different about this project because it was the first time ever that I've worked with white wool. It's such a different look to my usual love of brights on their own.

Yep, I really love these wee squares. And now for the 'blooper' pics where I had a nosey little visitor!!

It ended up taking far too long to get these few simple pics because every time I put the blanket down, my beautiful girl Bella decided it was just for her. Now this blanket is quite large so you get a bit of an idea how big Bella is!!!

This is my fave pic, it sums up that cat attitude. "Yes I know your yelling at me to get off, but I shall just sit here and pretend I can't hear you". I didn't want to lift her off in case she stuck her blimmin' claws in and pulled threads in my brand new blanket!!

So now I am moving onto my next project ...

I am currently calling this one my SI crochet project. SI you ask? Why that would be Seasonally Inappropriate crochet!! I absolutely love this Ashford Tekapo pure wool, it is just delicious. But as we are heading into our lovely Summer over here, working on a very large woollen bed cover is probably a wee bit nutso. I adore these African Flowers. Although it has taken me about 6 goes to work the darn things out - now I look back and wonder what the heck it was I was doing wrong. The whole blanket is going to be made of just these four colours with a creamy white edge.

And speaking of seasonally inappropriate crochet ... I am really jealous of you lovely folk on the other side of the world who are heading into chillier weather. You get to make gorgeous crochet pressies for Christmas - because over here it's not really that handy to receive a woolly hat or scarf when on Christmas day we're outside having a BBQ!!! I'm thinking at best I can whip up a few tea cosies??

Have a fabulous week all. See you soon.


  1. LMAO @ Seasonally Inapropriate Crochet, it's the most dorkish of all the 'naughty' things you can do, right? I know about cat attitude (and they just know how gorgious they are don't they). LOVE the blanket!

  2. I'm guessing that Christmas hot water bottle covers isn't going to work either?

    Your big granny is just lovely and your new blanket looks great already too.

    We have two cats with attitude just like your cat and they just don't take no for an answer!

  3. Your giant granny is absolutely gorgeous and that border is very unique and finishes it off perfectly. Great work. Best wishes, Tammy

  4. Gorgeous blanket honey, just stunning. Awwww Bella is so beautiful - I love her *catitude* .

    SI crochet is hilarious!!!

  5. Love your big granny! Could you just keep looking at it over and over!!! Have fun with your African flower that pattern.

  6. Love your big granny blanket and that African flower blanket pattern is fantastic , am heading into SI knitting - it does feel wrong though doesn't it working with wool it the warmth.

  7. It looks fabulous and your next project looks amazing!!

  8. Fabulous. Ever so stunning with the squares used as a border.

  9. Gorgeous blanket! :)
    It's so funny, I just made myself a couple of African Flowers last night, in the exact same colors as you have! :) Mine are going to be a mini purse/bag thingie.

  10. Ooh Leah, lovely work! I just love that raspberry/pistachio colour combination :)
    Jane x

  11. The finished blanket looks absolutly wonderful Leah, i love, love, love it, cats do love a bit of crochet don't they! i have the same problems with my two, they always seem to manage to sniff out my knitting or crochet and then lay all over it, even if its not a blanket..
    Anyway, the blanket looks brilliant, and i am very excited about the next one that you are doing, i love the colours its gonna look fab.
    Have a fabby week hon.

    Pixie xx

  12. a real giant one! it looks so pretty!the border adds another dimension to it

  13. Sooooo beautiful! I love the edging, it really adds so much. I also love the kittycat photo-bombing your pics! LOL! She thinks you went to all that trouble just for her. Aw.

  14. LOVE your finished blanket- it looks gorgeous!
    And I have to laugh at your big cat- we have a massive black and white cat called Dennis- maybe they're related someway along the line!!!


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