Thank you all so very much for your lovely comments! It is always so wonderful to hear from you and I really appreciate the time you take to leave me a note.
Now I have used a very high tech way of selecting the winners ... I got my small folk to do it. So hopefully, looking through very tired eyes, I have counted down the list correctly!!
And the winner is .......
Carmel's Closet!! Congratulations hon! You will have the lovely pendant and some delish choccie winging its way to you soon.
For the choccie runner up gifts, the winners are ... Karen from
A Quiet Corner and
Tillyflops. Congrats ladies!
If you would like to leave me an email with your contact details I will get these wee parcels in the post to you as soon as poss. Hopefully your customs departments will let me send you the small flax bags - fingers crossed.
Also - just a quick note by way of an apology if anyone received a spam email from my address. My email account was hacked last week and a yukky email was sent out which was more or less asking for money. Talk about being mortified - aaargh. It's all sorted now thankfully and I will be changing my password more often.
Have a fabulous weekend everyone - and I'll see you again in a few days with some pics from Mr 6's 7th birthday party today. Boy - we're all completely worn out from all the high energy young kids have. I think I'm even too tired to get my crochet hook out and that's really saying something!