Wow, it's been almost a month since I last had a chance to do a post and I've missed it. So I warn you, this post will probably be long as I've got lots to catch up on. The days have been absolutely flying by recently. It has also been the school holidays here so my small folk have been keeping me rather busy. Both children were sick over the holidays which wasn't much fun. At least the weather was rubbish so it was ideal to be tucked up on the couch, watching DVDs and resting. It did mean that I was able to get my hook out a few times during the day which was lovely. I made a collection of tiny hearts for my wee girl and made them into a garland for her bedroom.
She is very particular, just like her mother, and they had to be in a certain order. I am going to have to make more of these as they are just so cheerful. I can see garlands popping up all around the house (anything to add some colour to these gloomy winter days).
Then there was a bit more heart creating. I had bought a battered old book of sheet music at the op shop a while back so I got it out while the kids happily played (not fighting for a change!). With the help of some thick double-sided mounting tape, these layered hearts turned out really well. Perfect to fill an empty spot on the wall.
Side on you see the 3D effect. And while I was taking a photo of these, Miss 5 made this one ...
Too cute! I didn't realise she had even been watching me make my one. I think she did a fab job! She went on to make about 6 of them which are now on her bedroom wall. Mr 7 was also busy making things - but his makes were Lego. He is obsessed with Titanic and made a great selection of Titanics and icebergs!! I must get a photo of them.
I also finished my cat from
Annaboo's CAL! I'm so happy with him - I will definitely be making more now that I know it's not as hard as I thought it would be. I overstuffed his poor head a bit, but hey, he's still cute.
I also stayed up too late at night having a play on my sewing machine. My fear of zips and buttonholes were holding me back from making cushions, so I decided to do a flap/envelope back instead and I love the result.
I had been collecting fabric for a while but then I spotted this fabulous length of fabric at Stitchbird. One length made two cushions and I absolutely adore this bird print. I had planned to use a plain backing but at the last moment changed it to the green and white spots and I love it!
I was so pleased with the result, I couldn't wait to make a few more.
Here's a pic of the back. Nice and neat and not a zip in sight - yippee.

Here are the next two I made. I was all set to make some square ones next until my brand new 22 day old sewing machine decided to sound like a helicopter landing in the living room and promptly died. I know it wasn't a super flash machine and I did get it at a cheap price, it was still a decent machine at a fairly decent price before the sale. Grrrrrrr. And because it was outside of the 14 day period I wasn't able to get a replacement machine. So it is currently away being repaired and I am missing it. Fingers crossed it gets fixed soon or I will be turning into a super-grump. I had also started altering all my jeans which I am eager to continue with. All those jeans that have wider legs have started to be taken in so they are nice and lean. I used to do this all the time as a teenager and can't believe I haven't done this sooner as an adult. This way I end up with jeans that actually suit my figure and fit me perfectly.

Big news too - I have finished my giant blanket! Here's a quick pick of it before I did the border - I had just laid it on the floor to look at it and of course Bella appeared and wouldn't budge. I'm not going to show you until my next post as I am determined to have every end tied in before I take photos of it. I know, I know, I said I would tie them in as I went but clearly I am a big fat liar!! I got carried away and after the first 10 were made and tidied as I went, the next 26 squares were left. I am absolutely kicking myself now as it's the bit I really dislike and now I have to sit for hours with a needle, sewing the pesky things. In saying that though, I adore the blanket and can't wait to have it on my bed!!

I had a lovely letterbox treat last week, my book arrived from the UK. I had read it from the library and had to have it. So many ideas, so much colour - I love it. I am a little addicted to Book Depository - it is soooooo much cheaper to buy books from the UK than it is to buy them here.
I love all the mismatched furniture, china and colourful bits and pieces throughout this book - definitely the look I want.
My biggest bargain last weekend was these pretty sneakers for less than $10. I bought them at a children's shop as I have ridiculously small feet. The lady in the shop asked me "how old is she" presuming they were for my daughter. I replied that she was quite old, 41 in fact!! Oh well, at least my feet feel young.
My gorgeous friend Ange gave me this most amazing recipe recently and I have to share it with you. Ginger crunch is a popular slice here in NZ and one I make often. This recipe is for a fancier version which is beyond delicious. It's easy and the outcome looks much more difficult and will guarantee to get lots of oooohs and aaaaahs. If you're able to stop eating it, you're a stronger person than me!
Oaty Ginger Slice
3/4 cups sugar
1 Tbspn chopped crystallised ginger (or substitute with 1 tspn ground ginger - works perfectly)
7 Tbspn golden syrup
250g butter
1 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup sliced or chopped almonds
3/4 cup self raising flour
1/2 cup desiccated coconut
4 tspns ground ginger
2 cups icing sugar
3Tbspn chopped pistachios
Preheat oven to 170 degrees Celsius. Line a slice tray.
Combine sugar, crystallised ginger, 2 Tbspn golden syrup and 150g butter over a low heat. Stir until melted then add oats, almonds, flour and coconut. Mix well then firmly press into slice tray. Bake for 20 minutes then cool.
For the topping, put remaining butter, golden syrup, ground ginger and icing sugar in a pan over a low heat and stir until smooth. Pour over base and sprinkle with pistachios. Allow to set then cut into slices.
Have a fabulous week - see you again soon.